Last Tests
- {"tests"=>[{"testName"=>"Initiate video mapping", "Date"=>"2016-08-16", "Status"=>"Success", "Progression"=>"100", "Comments"=>[], "Assert"=>"Video playing in game world", "Images"=>[], "Links"=>[""]}, {"testName"=>"Install Unrealed", "Date"=>"2016-08-15", "Status"=>"Success", "Progression"=>"100", "Comments"=>["Install it for mac, used version v4.10.4 for OS X v10.9.5, current version v4.14.5 need OS X Yosemite v10.10.5"], "Assert"=>"Unrealed installed and opened", "Images"=>[], "Links"=>["", ""]}]}
- {"tests"=>[{"testName"=>"Messages test", "Date"=>"2016-08-06", "Status"=>"Success", "Progression"=>"100", "Comments"=>[], "Assert"=>"Messages from a list of messages are feed to irc", "Images"=>[], "Links"=>[""]}, {"testName"=>"intital Python bot", "Date"=>"2016-01-20", "Status"=>"Success", "Progression"=>"100", "Comments"=>[], "Assert"=>"Python bot talk to irc channel", "Images"=>[], "Links"=>[""]}]}
- {"tests"=>[{"testName"=>"Puredata Arduino Potentiomenters", "Date"=>"2016-07-20", "Status"=>"In progress", "Progression"=>"80", "Comments"=>["sudo raspi-config to change keyboard layout", "you need pdsend in /usr/bin/"], "Assert"=>"Potentiometer to control sinus tons", "Images"=>[""], "Links"=>["", "", "", ""]}, {"testName"=>"Python Puredata connection", "Date"=>"2016-05-30", "Status"=>"Success", "Progression"=>"100", "Comments"=>["see link for code example", "start all programs in sudo from the command line"], "Assert"=>"Python and Puredata connects", "Images"=>[], "Links"=>["", ""]}, {"testName"=>" Interactive Sound Pi Install", "Date"=>"2016-05-20", "Status"=>"Success", "Progression"=>"100", "Comments"=>["Log in with", "User: pi Password: raspberry", "Start in Sudo from programs to work", "Command: $ sudo startx ", "See link for installation"], "Assert"=>"Sound Pi is installed from Sound Pi image", "Images"=>[], "Links"=>[""]}]}
- {"tests"=>[{"testName"=>"Bacis plant and water setup", "Date"=>"2016-08-08", "Status"=>"In progress", "Progression"=>"10", "Comments"=>["Be cautious with electricity"], "Assert"=>"A Bacis plant - water setup", "Images"=>[], "Links"=>[""]}, {"testName"=>"Relay water control", "Date"=>"2016-01-20", "Status"=>"Success", "Progression"=>"100", "Comments"=>["Be cautious with electricity"], "Assert"=>"Water is pumping when moist sensor is dry", "Images"=>[], "Links"=>[""]}]}
- {"tests"=>[{"testName"=>"Initiate Code of Conduct", "Date"=>"2016-01-20", "Status"=>"In Progress", "Progression"=>"50", "Comments"=>["The hackspace is an inclusive space where everyone is welcome regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, sexuality or religion. We aim to discuss and learn more about technology in an environment of mutual respect, tolerance and encouragement. We want all participants to have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Therefore, all participants are expected to be polite and respectful towards each other."], "Assert"=>"The text is relavant", "Images"=>[], "Links"=>[""]}]}
- {"tests"=>[{"testName"=>"Motor control", "Date"=>"2016-07-29", "Status"=>"In Progress", "Progression"=>"10", "Comments"=>["Consider other breakout board"], "Assert"=>"The speed of two motors are controlled from python", "Images"=>[], "Links"=>[]}, {"testName"=>"Install Gertbot", "Date"=>"2016-06-29", "Status"=>"Success", "Progression"=>"100", "Comments"=>[], "Assert"=>"A working gertbot installation", "Images"=>[""], "Links"=>[""]}]}
- {"tests"=>[{"testName"=>"Initiate Wall_Plotter", "Date"=>"2016-06-29", "Status"=>"In Progress", "Progression"=>"50", "Comments"=>["see link for possible setup", "at the junk rally we found several stepper motors"], "Assert"=>"Suggest project to group", "Images"=>[], "Links"=>[""]}]}
- {"tests"=>[{"testName"=>"Change motor", "Date"=>"2016-06-20", "Status"=>"In progress", "Progression"=>"90", "Comments"=>[], "Assert"=>"Drone Flies", "Images"=>[], "Links"=>[]}, {"testName"=>"Try flying", "Date"=>"2016-04-20", "Status"=>"Fail", "Progression"=>"0", "Comments"=>["A motor broke during the first test flight"], "Assert"=>"Drone Flies", "Images"=>[], "Links"=>[]}, {"testName"=>"Wire the control card", "Date"=>"2016-04-01", "Status"=>"Success", "Progression"=>"100", "Comments"=>[], "Assert"=>"Motors to behave drone-like", "Images"=>[], "Links"=>[""]}, {"testName"=>"Install motors", "Date"=>"2016-03-30", "Status"=>"Success", "Progression"=>"100", "Comments"=>[], "Assert"=>"Motor spins", "Images"=>[""], "Links"=>[""]}, {"testName"=>"Build Frame", "Date"=>"2016-03-20", "Status"=>"Success", "Progression"=>"100", "Comments"=>[], "Assert"=>"Frame is assembled", "Images"=>[], "Links"=>[]}]}
- {"tests"=>[{"testName"=>"Arduino - Der lauf der dinge", "Date"=>"2016-06-20", "Status"=>"In Progress", "Progression"=>"10", "Comments"=>[], "Assert"=>"Propose 'Arduino - Der lauf der dinge' as Arduino introduction", "Images"=>[""], "Links"=>[""]}, {"testName"=>"Arduino Exampels POTs, BUZZ, LEDs and Serial output", "Date"=>"2016-03-20", "Status"=>"Success", "Progression"=>"100", "Comments"=>[], "Assert"=>"Potentiometer to control LED lights, buzzer and can be monitor in serial output", "Images"=>[""], "Links"=>[""]}]}
- {"tests"=>[{"testName"=>"Video Playback Clients", "Date"=>"2016-01-20", "Status"=>"In Progress", "Progression"=>"70", "Comments"=>["Using", "A lan modem or router", "A number of Raspberry pi:s, one as server and other as playback clients", "See links for code and instructions"], "Assert"=>"Sync and Playback of video files on lan connectioned Raspberry pi:s", "Images"=>[], "Links"=>["", ""]}]}
- {"tests"=>[{"testName"=>"Print a sellection of text", "Date"=>"2016-05-29", "Status"=>"In Progress", "Progression"=>"10", "Comments"=>[], "Assert"=>"A Sellection of text Printed", "Images"=>[], "Links"=>[]}, {"testName"=>"Initiate Project", "Date"=>"2016-05-29", "Status"=>"Success", "Progression"=>"100", "Comments"=>["for list of text see link below, for physical archive se hackerspace"], "Assert"=>"A List of text and an archive", "Images"=>[""], "Links"=>[""]}]}
- {"tests"=>[{"testName"=>"Printing Tweeks", "Date"=>"2016-04-20", "Status"=>"In progress", "Progression"=>"60", "Comments"=>["Use hair spray for better mounting", "New glass order and installed", "Next:", "Fixa camera that is not working", "Make sure we can edit the G-code on the Pi before printing"], "Assert"=>"Tweaked Printer and better prints", "Images"=>[], "Links"=>[]}, {"testName"=>"Electronics and motor control", "Date"=>"2016-03-30", "Status"=>"Success", "Progression"=>"100", "Comments"=>["The prints are not good enough"], "Assert"=>"The wired electronics working", "Images"=>[""], "Links"=>[]}, {"testName"=>"Construction and Assemblage", "Date"=>"2016-02-20", "Status"=>"Success", "Progression"=>"100", "Comments"=>[], "Assert"=>"Mechanical parts assembled", "Images"=>["", ""], "Links"=>[""]}]}
- {"tests"=>[{"testName"=>"Initiate visualization", "Date"=>"2016-01-20", "Status"=>"In Progress", "Progression"=>"10", "Comments"=>[], "Assert"=>"Some data is visulized with D3.js", "Images"=>[""], "Links"=>[""]}]}
- {"tests"=>[{"testName"=>"Up two speed", "Date"=>"2016-04-12", "Status"=>"In Progress", "Progression"=>"70", "Comments"=>[], "Assert"=>"Read the electrical current of a plant with Arduino", "Images"=>[""], "Links"=>[]}]}
- {"tests"=>[{"testName"=>"We can use this project to backtrace intering funtionallity regaring file sharing, radio and servers", "Date"=>"2016-01-15", "Status"=>"Success", "Progression"=>"100", "Comments"=>[], "Assert"=>"Initialize project on website", "Images"=>[""], "Links"=>["", "", "", "", "", ""]}]}
- {"tests"=>[{"testName"=>"Raspberry pi GPIO sensor and camera control", "Date"=>"2016-01-20", "Status"=>"Success", "Progression"=>"100", "Comments"=>[], "Assert"=>"A motion sensor ( connected to the GPIO pins ) triggers. The camera takes an image and the program plays a sound file", "Images"=>[""], "Links"=>[]}, {"testName"=>"Raspberry pi first boot", "Date"=>"2016-01-20", "Status"=>"Success", "Progression"=>"100", "Comments"=>["login as user: pi password: raspberry", "Back terminal commands: ", "$ pwd", "$ ls", "$ ls man", "$ cd ..", "$ cd home", "$ ls -la", "$ clear", "$ nano new.txt", "$ top", "$ ifconfig", "$ ping", "$ wget", "$ ssh man", "$ ps aux | grep python", "$ apt-get install cowsay", "$ cowsay hello world", "$ sudo shutdown -h now"], "Assert"=>"Log in to terminal", "Images"=>[""], "Links"=>[""]}, {"testName"=>"Raspberry pi Installation", "Date"=>"2016-01-20", "Status"=>"Success", "Progression"=>"100", "Comments"=>["See link for instruction"], "Assert"=>"Raspberry pi operating system installed", "Images"=>[], "Links"=>[""]}]}
- Video_Mapping
- Art_bot
- Sound_Rasp
- Pi_Graden
- Conduct_Code
- Robots_Love
- Wall_Plotter
- A_Drone
- Arduino_Exp_
- Sync_Lan
- Text_Archive
- 3D_build
- Javascript_Exp_
- Plant_sense
- Radio_Gaga
- Python_Rasp_Pi
- /2016/08/16/Video_Mapping.html
- /2016/08/06/Art_Bot.html
- /2016/07/20/Sound-berry.html
- /2016/07/07/Pi-graden.html
- /2016/07/06/Code_of_Conduct.html
- /2016/07/01/Robots-Love.html
- /2016/06/29/Wall_Plotter.html
- /2016/06/23/A-Drone.html
- /2016/06/23/Arduino-Experiance.html
- /2016/06/06/Video-Lan.html
- /2016/05/30/Text_Archive.html
- /2016/05/30/3D-build.html
- /2016/05/06/Javascript_Explorations.html
- /2016/04/13/Plant_sense.html
- /2016/01/17/Radio-Gaga.html
- /2016/01/02/RaspberryPi-Python.html